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Profa. Dr. Patrícia F. Monticelli
Doctor: Psychobiology

Master of Science: Psychobiology


Project: description of the acoustic repertoire and behavior of maternal nesting in populations of Nasua nasua quatis living in Brazilian urban parks

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Postgraduate studies

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Aurora Pereira dos Santos
​Clara Naruana
Leonardo Marques
Camila Denóbile
Giovanna Alves Saltune
Tainá de Souza Duarte Nogueira
Thaina Carrero
Bruna Fenerich
EBAC Coordinator

Master and PhD in Experimental Psychology (Neuroscience and Behavior)

Professor in the Department of Psychology at FFCLRP / USP


Adriana Sicuto de Oliveira Ueno - Post-doctoral student
Aline Domingues Carneiro Gasco
Ana Maria Nievas
Lilian Cristina Luchesi
Mayra Antonelli Ponti
Prof. Dr. Régis Rossi Alves Faria - EBAC Associate Researcher
Professor in the Music Department at FFCLRP-USP
Coordinator of the Laboratory of Acoustics and Music Technology (LATM) FFCLRP
Master and Doctor in Electrical Engineering
Electric engineer
Doctor: Psychobiology

Master of Science: Psychobiology

Biologist from Universidade Estadual Paulista.

Interested in understanding the social and acoustic dynamics of animals in captivity

Graduating in Biological Sciences at the University of São Paulo.

Participates in the "Acoustic landscapes" project

Roberta O. Naegeli
Aline Melina Vaz - EBAC Collaborator


Graduate student in Psychology at the University of São Paulo.

He is interested in understanding the dynamics of cooperation through educational games with school children and interest in research related to behavioral psychology as a whole.

Scientific research

PhD and Master in Psychobiology

Biologist from Universidade Federal Fluminense

Psychologist from the University of São Paulo

He is interested in Neuroscience, Behavior Analysis, Evolutionary Psychology, Ethology, Scientific Methodology, Philosophy of Science and Education.

Supervisor of the research initiation project: Application of a chip saving system in cooperative games: an experimental alternative?

PhD student

Master of Science: Psychobiology

Biologist from the University of São Paulo.

He is interested in animal communication, focusing on partner selection and social behavior in caviomorphic rodents.

PhD in Sciences: Psychobiolgia

Master of Science: Neuroscience and Behavior

Biologist from Universidade Estadual Paulista.

He is interested in neotropical rodent behavioral ecology, currently focusing on underground social, reproductive behaviors and the relationship with space.

PhD in Science: Psychobiology

Master of Science: Applied Ecology

Biologist at Paulista State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

His research seeks to understand social relationships based on movement patterns of capybaras.

Undergraduate student in Biological Sciences at the University of São Paulo.

Project: Foraging behavior in the cerrado spiny rat

Paula Verzola Olivio
PhD student

Master of Science: Psychobiology

Graduated in Biological Sciences with specialization in Biology by the Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá.

Interest in genetic and environmental influences on human behavior; Social perceptions and beliefs related to genetic influence on human behavior; Interventions to change deterministic beliefs linked to genetic influence

Débora Bacchim Augusti
Alicia Telis Nicoletti
Lais Mendes Ruiz Cantano
PhD in Science: Psychobiology

Master of Science: Neuroscience and Behavior

Biologist at the Barão de Mauá University Center.

Current project involves the social structure in hedgehogs, acting mainly in social and reproductive behavior of equimid rodents.

Ana Lucia Baldan
Master student

Graduated in Biological Sciences at Faculdades Integradas Maria Thereza (FAMATH). Graduation in Veterinary Medicine at the Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda (CUML).

Master Business Administration (MBA) in International Trade by FIA / FEA - USP.

He is interested in studies on animal behavior and well-being, especially studies with dogs, mutual well-being and public policies related to human and animal health. He is currently developing research with shelter dogs, implementing training and environmental enrichment to increase the chance and durability of adoption.

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Patrícia Cintra Board
Master student

Graduation in Psychology at Universidade Paulista

Interested in animal behavior

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André H. Zambolli
Bruna Polasse Brito
Stella Marco Kyomen
Flora Silveira Balieiro
Cintia tomoe Suzuki
Débora Silveira Martins
Juliana Toshie Takata
Marina Geraldi
John Gabriel Souza Silva
Raimundo Novaes Alencar Junior
Juciara da C. Silva
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Master in Psychobiology

Biologist by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

His research focuses mainly on the effects of anthropic noise on the acoustic communication of free-living animals.

Bruna Lima Ferreira

Master student

Graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of São Paulo.

Currently seeks to test ways to improve the automatic detection of Lobo-Guará long distance vocalization

Undergraduate student in Biological Sciences at the University of São Paulo.

Project: Effect of seasonality of the environment on the social behavior of free-living capybaras (H ydrochoerus hydrochaeris )

We are a family owned and operated business.

Graduando em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade de São Paulo.

Participa do projeto "Paisagens acústicas"

Ary Chaves

Graduanda em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade de São Paulo.

Projeto: A dimensão humana na conservação ambiental: uma análise multidimensional da relação entre Parques Estaduais de Conservação e comunidades próximas

Andrea Moraes Prado
Mariana Gil
Nayra C. Herrera do Valle
Leandro Magrini

Once EBAC, always EBAC ...

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